Are you looking for a model audition to apply to? A new photo shoot casting call for men and women is now hiring. Magnum Boots is looking for real military personnel and construction workers to appear in their upcoming ad. Firefighters, EMS, Police Officers, current or former US Military personnel and Construction workers are needed. Selected models, actors and real people will shoot for one day on either December 1st or December 2nd in Austin, Texas. This is a great paying modeling job. All selected participants will be paid $1,000.00 for the shoot plus receive an $800.00 gift card to Magnum Boots.
According to the company website, the footwear company was founded by Frank van Wezel in 1974. The FBI training center was the first to have the boots created for lightweight, athletic and comfortable tactical boots. Today, the boots are sold in 80 countries and are the first choice for law enforcement officials, ambulance workers, fire and security professionals and more. If you fit one of the above roles and would like to be a part of this fun and great paying modeling job, check out the casting below!
Magnum Boots Casting Call
The Cast Station is currently casting the following for a print ad for Magnum Boots that will be shooting in Austin in early December:
Real Firefighters- male & female, 28-42 years old
Real EMS Workers- male & female, 28-42 years old
Real Police Officers- male & female, 28-42 years old
Real Current or Former US Military Personnel- male & female, 28-42 years old
Real Construction Workers- male & female, 28-42 years old
Shoot: 12/1/2016 – 12/2/2016 (talent will work one day)
Rate: $1000 for the shoot day plus an $800 gift card for Magnum Boots (the gift card is good for up to 2 pairs per year for 3 years)
The casting team is now accepting photo submissions and will be booking from the submissions. To apply for a role email with at least 2 photos, one close up of the face & one full body. If you have other photos that are a good representation of you, please send them in! Photos in uniform would be great. if you have them available. The pictures do not need to be professional but they need to be clear. Photo submissions must be in by next Monday, 11/21. You must also include your name, age, phone number, role you are submitting for, photos as stated above and your availability for the shot.