Couples, here is a chance to have some amazing photos taken of you and your sweetie and make some cash! A new casting call has been released for real couples who are fresh, hip millennials. Beau Bonneau Casting is looking for men and women in their 20s to early 30s, to portray bride and groom in a print ad for a well-known camera manufacturer. The selected couples will be shown in close contact (dancing, holding hands, embracing, etc) during their celebratory reception
The casting director will be holding in-person auditions on Monday, March 28th or Tuesday March 29th in San Francisco. Auditions are being held by appointment only so you need to submit asap to be considered. The chosen principal talent will be paid $ 1,000.00 each! This will only be a 1 day shoot that will take place between Wednesday, April 6th and Sunday, April 10th.
If you and your partner are both available for the shoot and want to be considered, email Inclue your name, approximate age and cell phone number for you and your partner. Include both your height and weight as well as how long you have been together. They are asking you be available for the majority of the shoot days if you submit since the final shoot day is not set yet. In the subject line your email type couple, name, appox age, city you live in and your cell phone number! Include your shoot Availability 4/6, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9, 4/10 – if either of you are unavailable any of these dates, note it. Attach 2 new/very recent camera phone snapshots of the two of you together, 1 waist up and 1 full body, both looking into camera and smiling (no hats or sunglasses). Please feel free to forward this notice to Bay Area local couples that fit the description and have a flexible schedule. Casting directors look forward to your submission and will call if we’re able to schedule an audition.